Engineering for manufacturing
Aarbakke’s unique combination of highly skilled engineers, manufacturing experts and world leading advanced mechanical production capacity is the recipe for efficient product development.
We will help you
– from idea to prototype
– make your product more competitive
– simplify your product
– improve the quality and/or documented performance of your product
– solve difficult technical challenges
And we guarantee the safety of your intellectual properties in every possible way.
Fast and efficiently from idea to operating product
– We were looking for a partner who could find and deliver a fast and cost-efficient way to manufacture our SubseaCutter System. Aarbakke was chosen because of their advanced manufacturing expertise, high capacity and skilled, dedicated engineers.
Petter Birkeland
ControlCutter AS

Added expertise
For over 20 years Scan Tech has provided integrated services to the Oil & Gas industry. One of our customers asked us to help reduce the risk of compensator failure on floating drilling platforms. As we began to refine our concept, our Engineering Team decided that we needed the added expertise of a company with a strong background in mechanical engineering and machining. Aarbakke became the natural choice with an exemplary record of turnkey projects that included the disciplines we were looking for. The two engineering teams worked well together on this complex project producing the World’s first solution to an industry wide problem – The Weak Link Bail (WLB). Aarbakke then won the contract from us for the production of the WLB system. Working together, the first unit came off the production line on time and to specification. Production and engineering was verified by DNV at all stages. In summary, an excellent project that was well executed on time, within budget and to the design specification requested. Returning to work with Aarbakke for design and production of variants to this has also been a great experience.
Christopher G.Stevens
Managing Director
Scan Tech Group Norway

Perfect for building prototypes
Aarbakke is the perfect place to develop your prototype to be manufacturable with top quality and low cost because we have:
– Experienced and highly skilled engineers cooperating closely with our manufacturing team.
– A state-of-the-art machine park with over 50 highly efficient CNC machines.
– A well-equipped welding department with manual, automatic and robotic welding machines.
– A large and well-equipped assembly area with up-to-date hydraulic pressure testing pits.
– A quality control department using non-destructive testing to assure and document product quality

Reid Skjærpe
Business Developer
Phone: 930 07 278